
Here are some of the projects I've worked on in the past — some still actively maintained, and others retired or on pause.

Scalable and Reliable APIs Load Testing Platform
Scalable and Reliable APIs Load Testing Platform

Ensure the performance and reliability, save time, reduce the risk of issues, and improve the overall performance of API.

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Building a Solution for Image Annotation
Tokopedia Enterprise
Building a Solution for Image Annotation

Create platform that help Tokopedia to labeling more than 1M data per year by improve the accuracy and efficiency tools.

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Redefining Product Discount Experience
Tokopedia Seller Platform
Redefining Product Discount Experience

How to provide an easy to use, hassle free, and flexible platform that sellers can use to make their process of discount activation.

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Visual Gallery
Visual Gallery

A collection of free time explorations uploaded on Dribbble

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