Two versus one

15 February, 2022 - 2 min read

As I looked down at my body, I couldn’t help but be struck by the unique way in which God had created us. We are given one mouth, two ears, two eyes, two hands, and two feet - each with their own specific purpose and meaning.

Our two ears are positioned on either side of our head, reminding us that we are meant to listen more than we speak. And as I thought about this, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the gift of listening. How wonderful it is to truly hear the stories of others and to show them empathy and appreciation through our attentiveness. I resolved to work on becoming a better listener, and to cherish this ability that had been given to me.

Our two eyes are positioned on the front of our face, gazing out at the world and taking in all that it has to offer. And as I thought about this, I couldn’t help but be filled with curiosity and a desire to learn. How wonderful it is to be able to see and observe, to read and gain knowledge, and to truly take in all that the world has to offer. I resolved to work on becoming a better observer and reader, and to embrace this gift of sight.

Our two hands are positioned on either side of our body, ready to work and create. And as I thought about this, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of responsibility to use my hands for good. How wonderful it is to be able to turn our ideas into reality, to show the world our true worth through our actions. I resolved to work on becoming a person who doesn’t just talk about their ideas, but who puts in the effort to make them a reality.

Our two feet are positioned below us, ready to take us on the path towards our dreams. And as I thought about this, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for the journey ahead. How wonderful it is to be able to chase our dreams and move towards a positive future. I resolved to be more careful and mindful in my actions, and to choose my steps wisely.

Overall, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the unique way in which God had created us. It is through the use of our mouth, eyes, hands, and feet that we can prove to the world our capabilities and worth. It is not enough to just talk about what we can do, but rather we must take action and show the world what we are truly capable of.

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