Responsible for research, design, user testing and delivery of key modules and feature areas.
Q3 2020
1 Product Designer, 1 UX Writer, 2 Front End Developer, 1 Product Manager
Diskon Toko in Tokopedia is one of the vital promotional tools for sellers to promote their products and attract new buyers.
98% sellers have been using Diskon Toko and rely solely on it when they are not participating in a flash sale. Despite the high adoption rate, Diskon Toko is one of the most problematic features (contribute 80% of campaign reports).
In 2020, we set out to redesign the product to make it a delightful, modern dashboard that works well for sellers.
Despite the high adoption rate, Diskon Toko is one of the most problematic features that contribute 80% of campaign CS tickets.
Based on the results of grouping feedbacks, there are several things that frustrated the seller. The top 3 of them are:
By the three issues mentioned above, I focused on the reliability and feature limitations option which can be solved with UX Design. While the stability option can be completed by the engineering team.
Discount monitoring represents the process that seller go through after creating product discount
Rather than displaying all products, whether they are currently on sale or not, it only shows what's needed. Generally, the item of monitoring discount can be divided into 3 states which consists of ongoing, upcoming, and transferable discounts.
The idea is flexibility for sellers to filter and select the products that they want to discounted. To filter products, sellers can choose categories and showcases. This design prevents sellers from choosing products that do not have stock because, naturally, a product must have available stock to set a discount.
One of the new features on the discount settings page is the multi-edit product. This feature facilitates sellers with the need to activate several products at once. On one page, the sellers have more freedom to determine the discount percentage, final price, or the period of the discount.
Currently, Tokopedia has a Diskon Toko page that shows to the sellers everything from their products on sale, what is coming and the inactive discount.
I did a design audit on the Diskon Toko page for some visual design and UX issues.
I held a series of seller interviews lines to better understand their pain points, and constraints.
Each of these interviews was captured in audio and text format, and was used to identify common themes and specific needs.
I used experience mapping techniques to visualise and communicate the users end‐to‐end experience across various touch‐points with the scheme.
This allowed us to represent user pain‐points and see where we needed to focus our attention. Mapping out the users emotions was key to setting user expectations about the aspirational emotional state we were aiming to design for.
I also describe the attributes of the discount to make it easier to understand.
To further explain the correlation between Tokopedia, Seller and Buyer, I made an easy-to-read diagram. The diagram consist of 3 entities, namely Tokopedia as a platform provider, Seller as user of Diskon Toko, and Buyer as discount hunters.
After conducting some interviews and design audit, I transferred all quotes, comments, and feedback from our findings into Miro board and start categories and grouping between notes.
Based on the results of grouping feedbacks, there were several things that frustrated the seller.
Most reported issues are in the area of system reliability, stability and feature limitations. With these in mind, we aim to improve the piled-up poor slash price experience felt by Sellers with providing:
By the three issues mentioned above, I focused on the reliability and feature limitations option which can be solved with UX Design. While the stability option can be completed by the engineering team.
To be able to read the case more concretely, I defined a user story that can be used as a reference for making the design solution.
The next step after defining the problem and coming up with an idea to solve the problem experienced by the seller and looking at internal data, I create a new flow to make the discount activation process more comfortable for the seller. The new flow allows the seller to choose multi-products to be activated simultaneously.
Discount monitoring represents the process that seller go through after creating product discount.
Rather than displaying all products, whether they are currently on sale or not, it only shows what's needed. Generally, the item of monitoring discount can be divided into 3 states which consists of ongoing, upcoming, and transferable discounts.
Sellers are also given the flexibility to add or delete products in this discount list.
One of the complaints from sellers on the current design is that it is not possible to arrange discounts on several products at once. Meanwhile, middle to upper-scale sellers usually arrange their products in bulk.
The idea is flexibility for sellers to filter and select the products that they want to discounted. To filter products, sellers can choose categories and showcases. This design prevents sellers from choosing products that do not have stock because, naturally, a product must have available stock to set a discount. So products that cannot be selected will be disabled, and the tooltips will appear.
One of the new features on the discount settings page is the multi-edit product. This feature facilitates sellers with the need to activate several products at once. On one page, the sellers have more freedom to determine the discount percentage, final price, or the period of the discount.
As the next step to ensure whether the design that I made is suitable for the user or not, I conducted usability testing. However, because it is still in the atmosphere of the covid-19 pandemic, I held it online.
In general, Sellers prefer the new design. Although there are some parts that still need to be improved. Furthermore, the points conveyed by the sellers I use as a reference for the next iteration.
After releasing this feature to sellers, some of the good points of this revamp impact are the addition of ## unique sellers created Diskon Toko. In addition, the error rate on Diskon Toko is down to XX %.
Diskon Toko is quite challenging for me because this feature relates to many teams, so I have to align with the needs of other teams. Besides the most important thing is to solve the problem of the seller, communication with the internal team is also important in product development. Especially if the product has many stakeholders involved.
This product still undergoes a lot of improvement which hopefully we can eventually perfect the formula of a self-serve campaign platform that can help seller grow their business even more.